Fritz (Fredrick Seitz)
Fritz (Fredrick Seitz)
Cool, over sight on my part that people would want to grab a card by the different promo types. I can add this, so stick with the plan still. Then...
@AustinYQM multiple images for now we can use the main art, however lets get the alternative art still, I will think later how to handles this. But, short thought is...
@AustinYQM nice man, thanks for the work on this, you can give me the card/multiverseId of the card at release, no need for them all. I can always go back...
This makes the system too complex from a database point of view (creating even more redundant data), I can still accomplish what you state, by having the promos field ;)...
Excellent man! :+1:
Sorry about that. We can reduce the size of this thread by hitting me up at: [email protected] ;)
Field will be called Promos, it will be string array of promo names the card was issued in. The promo boolean field will be removed.
Not happy with the solution I implemented. I am going to order it alpha, however do it by white, blue,black,red, green, artifact, lands. This will be closer to how the...