Omar Noboa Morante
Omar Noboa Morante
Grettings, I can fix the problem about the control position, when you design the report, must considerate the follows advaices: 1.- Don't put a control over another control. the superposition...
Thanks for your answer, effectively there are the error in the second detail, have a nice day. Best regards, Omar Noboa
> ¿Por qué no traes cocatenate de la base de datos? la cadena ya está lista, para mostrar? El problema es que el formulario trae muchos campos, y si traigo...
Thanks, i'll update the class. Best Regards, Omar El vie., 24 jul. 2020 a las 15:02, Rogerio Muniz () escribió: > Hi @onoboaits , thank,s for your feedback. > I...