It seems to be working again, but still could not change the color to #222222 { "playlists": [ "EAFCA8w6", "ynZvKqIg" ], "featuredPlaylist": "T64lVpAZ", "splashScreen": "images/stream+now+splashBlack2+1920.png", "bannerImage": "images/stream+now+splashBlack3+1920x400.png", "backgroundColor": "#7e0023", "autoAdvance":...
// Uncomment the following line to debug // static let TVBaseURL = "" static let TVBaseURL = "" static let TVConfigURL = "\(AppDelegate.TVBaseURL)/resources/configs" static let TVBootURL = "\(AppDelegate.TVBaseURL)/js/application.js"
I got the black screen to go away but got a fresh batch of issues below... 2017-03-16 09:25:20.582 jwplayer-for-tv[4459:403670] #T:[Main] #Notice #SYSTEM : Template element: 2017-03-16 09:25:20.586 jwplayer-for-tv[4459:403670] #T:[Main] #Notice...
@RikHeijdens I am actually not really sure how to apply what you're saying after looking at #57. I am on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of technical...
It's pretty much a black screen in the simulator.
I was going through all this trouble to try and ad this file to my managed wordpress site through godaddy although I was not sure why I was using my...
@scottastafford5 I am getting an error too and wonder if this was the same thing you saw.... If so, what wound up being your fix? Thanks. 2017-03-14 07:21:23.362 jwplayer-for-tv[989:75114] ITML...
@tuck11 are you hosting on AWS? I finally able to get it going yesterday.
@tuck11 I had several issues but ultimately I made the mistake of changing the region initially. So just create an S3 bucket and upload the jwplayer-appletv-web-app. Make all the files...