Results 6 issues of Calm

Perform the following operations to reproduce the problem: 1. Create new files main.c and com.h under the test directory structure. (test/main.c test/com.h) 2. The content of the document is arbitrary,...

#### Required Info - [x] I have searched the [issues]( for my issue and found nothing related and/or helpful - [x] I have read or at least glanced at the...

Open file via VIM. Because neardtree can move the cursor to the window where the open file is located, the space cannot be deleted when saving the file. If you...

more info needed

When I use plug-ins auto-pairs and vim-visual-multi at the same time, the function of auto-pairs fails. I also raised the problem on vim-visual-multi, when I still don't know how to...

Insert mode ![image]( nomal mode ![image]( Enviroment: OS: Ubuntu 20.04. Version: VIM - Vi IMproved 9.0 (2022 Jun 28, compiled Sep 21 2022 19:10:09) Terminal: zsh Color schemes: desert

1、Ubuntu22.04 2、vim9.0 3、gv.vim master: 320cc8c 4、tpope/vim-fugitive master: ef99f1d .vimrc Use default configuration ![Peek 2023-04-09 12-15](