Tamerlan Satualdypov

Results 13 comments of Tamerlan Satualdypov

Hello, simonzwicker! You have to specify the `attributes.entryInteraction` property, which is responsible for interaction on entry itself. So in your case set it to `.absorbTouches` to get the behavior you...

Hello, @Horse888! Yeah, I know about this issue and unfortunately have no idea how to fix that currently. Apple's `TabView` most-likely a wrapper around `UITabBar`, so it has this feature...

@zeke @alexandrtovmach could you consider my request?

Hello @zeke, thank you for your response and approval! I know it takes time. Also wondering what about my request on joining the group?

Cool! 👍 Opened PR :) By the way, is there an opportunity to add me to the GitHub team as well?

Hi there @alexandrtovmach! No, just checked it out and I do not have proofreader role in crowdin. Also could you please review the PR I have opened and I would...

Any info on that? @alexandrtovmach > is there an opportunity to add me to the GitHub team as well? Thanks for reviewing PR and giving me the proofreader privileges, can't...

Hello, @wapscccs! Sorry for late reply, did you solve your problem? If not could you please tell about it in more detail? I would like to understand what you are...

Closing due to inactivity, if you still face the problem please reopen this issue