tux@tux-ThinkBook-15-G3-ACL:~$ journalctl --user -u ONEDRIVER --since today -- Logs begin at Sun 2021-10-17 19:25:58 CEST, end at Mon 2021-11-08 21:27:09 CET. -- -- No entries --
I just opened the vault, copied a file into it and logged the output: `Nov 09 16:52:54 tux-ThinkBook-15-G3-ACL onedriver[1477]: time="2021-11-09T16:52:54" level=debug func="028628:fs.(*Inode).Fsync()" file="inode.go:431" id="90EF82D1782F8121!59311" path="/Backup-OneDrive-Syno-CE/CRPTMTR/d/LK/VM3HNYHHWOGBNIB> Nov 09 16:52:55 tux-ThinkBook-15-G3-ACL onedriver[1477]:...
It looks like the problem lies in Cryptomator's handling of the file system or web links under Linux: https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator/issues/696 If I include Onedrive directly, everything works: https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive I wanted to...
Yes, I am using a heat pump (Vaillant VWF ecocompact 58/4). I can see in the Vaillant App: - power consumption / environmental yield heating - power consumption / environmental...
Are the access data of the app sufficient?
Does the access to my app work?
No problem, give me a sign when you no longer require access.