Ong Hui Sheng
Ong Hui Sheng
Please pull the keyboard fix as it's a major issue in terms of user experience..
try adding a `READ_PHONE_STATE` permission in your `AndroidManifest.xml`
> I can't repro the issue without any more details
> Hello > > I am getting this error for Android 10 and lower. > > java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getSubscriptionId()I in class Landroid/telephony/TelephonyManager; or its super classes (declaration of...
> @onghuisheng when do you plan to publish it to > > @Zfinix The author seems to be inactive, my pull request is also still pending. Meanwhile you can...
will take a look this week, may I know which commit are you using?
can you try replacing this line in pubspec. yaml ``` carrier_info: 2.0.8 ``` with these 2 lines: ``` carrier_info: git: ``` and see if it works?
> Still the same problem unfortunately :/ You can reproduce this error by simply removing all the Sim Cards from your Android phone and then running the plugin example. I'm...