Daniel Ong
Daniel Ong
@jpthor Would it be wiser to adopt a different analogy that is easier to communicate? 1. "Freezing" (i.e. as implemented in BEP-9) 2. "Thawing" (i.e. your unbonding period) Or maybe...
# Background * Something futuristic-looking, like the AFrame demo might be good. * https://aframe.io/docs/0.7.0/guides/building-a-360-image-gallery.html * Or replace with obj file? https://3docean.net/item/mega-city/10763372?s_rank=27 # Imagery * Get the balloons/zeppelins to haul a...
I'm going to hold off on this for now - I think this is a "nice to have" story which is not necessary
Good blog article on AFrame + Redux. https://aframe.io/blog/gamestate/ Another possible plus of using AFrame is the raycaster, which can show more details when they "look" at a balloon There are...
@robin-k-wilson This is actually something that I think we should ask Geoff or the Fullstack crew about. We didn't really cover Chrome Performance Tools during the bootcamp, but it's pretty...
Would it be possible to use AFrame to render elements? https://medium.com/immersion-for-the-win/hands-on-with-virtual-reality-using-a-frame-react-and-redux-bc66240834f7
This is an impressive demo of AFrame's native capabilities: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/wide-cream?path=index.html:14:30
@robin-k-wilson So - it's a lot faster after running `npm run bundle`. I've deployed the latest version at https://data-vr.github.io/blockchain-vr-build/. Another problem I've realized is that we need to remove `redux-logger`...
Additional updates: * Tested on the iPhone and it works * Tested on the Android phone and it works