CircleIndicator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CircleIndicator copied to clipboard

A lightweight indicator like in nexus 5 launcher

Results 30 CircleIndicator issues
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why when i am trying to set gravity to start the selected indicator display half of circle? plz help me

Adding custom last indicator functionality via XML attributes **ci_drawable_last** and **ci_drawable_last_unselected** ![circles](

Adding custom last indicator functionality via XML attributes **ci_drawable_last** and **ci_drawable_last_unselected** ![circles](

I needed this in a project to dynamically change the indicator color. Might as well contribute it back in case you are interested in this.

Can you add possibility to do this? Currently, even with ci_margin is equals to 0dp, there are some distance between dots.

Am using this indicator but the problem with this indicator is it's taking more time to come to first position from last position but initially i thought that problem may...

I am used ViewPager2 and CircleIndicator 3 for my image slider but the size of the unselected and selected icons isn't equal. ![image]( This is my code: ``` ``` Anyone...

Hello, I got a viewholder with CircleIndicator2 and an ImageCarousel, after scrolling in recyclerview and coming back to the carousel, the indicator dots disappear. Any fixes for this issue? (kotlin)...

![issue]( how to obtain the index of the last indicator