CircleIndicator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CircleIndicator copied to clipboard

A lightweight indicator like in nexus 5 launcher

Results 30 CircleIndicator issues
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Hi when I use support version of this library, I couldn't render the indicator view in my activity. It does not give an exception, but in its position it does...

list.size is 15, one page have 3. so pages is 5 How to make the number of indicators the same as the number of pages,not same as the list.siz val...

When using this with RecyclerView, you need to add this line to make the indicator show: `recyclerView.setOnFlingListener(null);` I'm not sure if this is intended or a bug on the CircleIndicator2....

Here is my xml ``` ``` kotlin ``` pager.adapter = adapter circleIndicator.setViewPager(pager) ``` version ``` me.relex:circleindicator:2.1.4 ``` I believe I'm using ViewPager1? `androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager` Output: What am I doing wrong? I...

CircleIndicator2 works fine with SnapHelpers like PagerSnapHelper since they only show a single recycler view item after a snap event. But it's not possible to use it with SnapHelpers such...

I needed to adjust item count for infinite loop ViewPager. Because the ViewPager has items as Integer.MAX_VALUE.

I change this pot to same size, even them not select. But I have no idea to set right number in every dot. Have anyone can privide a method to...

I had been using the `ci_drawable` from the XML but recently I need to provide the `ci_drawable` from activity as I have used the save slider from multiple sections and...

I'm using support version which is implementation 'me.relex:circleindicator:1.3.2' . After i attach this to recyclerview and snaphelper, the indicator is not showing. The CircleIndicator for viewpager working but CircleIndicator2 is...