i think it is because in your data there is characters that not in the ascii range of the net... look it str2label and see which letters are included in...
thank a lot
yes, but then i understand that i need to copy the files and not the directory something like this `cp /fcis/operator_cxx/* to $(YOUR_MXNET_FOLDER)/src/operator/contrib` now i have something that connect to...
thank you. there is difference between background to ignore label? how i choose the right crop size to my data ?
thank alot , just for be sure its mean that my label image should be size hxw with value {0(background) , 1(myclass)} or {255(background) , 1(myclass)}
to replace softmax in this - mx.sym.softmax_cross_entropy? there is somthing else that i need to notice?
ok thank you
ok and there is way to prevent from scaling the image? thank you for the quick answer :)
thank you.