Hi, because we need to process thousands of messages and use remote calls in experts, multiprocessing is necessary. But I think multiprocessing thought `load_balance` is broken by design because you...
> Maybe a pop-up question window "do you want to stop a running bot?" should be presented? I think this is not complete because if you have bots, for example...
@gso-trifork-security Advanced auth keys are disabled by default. If you want to use them, you have to set `SECURITY_ADVANCED_AUTHKEYS` to `yes`. See https://github.com/NUKIB/misp#security
Hello, this is expected behavior. If sessions are stored in Redis, PHP will wait 5 seconds to check if current session is still used. If session is still locked, page...
Hello and sorry for late reply: > Is it possible to use podman as a container stack instead of docker? I am using RHEL9 as a host It should be...
@qjadoun Hello, thanks for report. Can you please check if your proxy supports TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3? This container enforce usage of TLSv1.2 or newer.
Hello, why you mount `/var/www/MISP/app/Config/` as volume? This should not be necessary, as files in this directory are generated when container starts from environment variables.
As I said, all config files are generated when you restart container. What do you need to modify?
Hello, this image do not use `Mail` transport but `Smtp` transport: https://github.com/NUKIB/misp/blob/bbfc89d4ed6e9ff0179f9b3f24b8bc41957867ec/Config/email.php#L3-L6 So that means this parameter will not work. And I checked `Smtp` transport and that transport do not...
Hello, thanks for report! Can you please try it with latest version? At least MISP should give you much better error message, because currently I don't understand why this doesn't...