Manuel Sommerhalder
Manuel Sommerhalder
I used smooth scrollbar with ScrollMagic by disabling the `refreshInterval` (better performance) and refresh the scene instance manually on every custom scroll event triggered by smooth scrollbar. In this way,...
Hi @Malin88 Not possible currently, but I could implement it to make it work with every kind of markup.
Hi @JacobDB Thanks for your report, at first I couldn't reproduce the issue, but with the current firefox it also happens. Will have a look.
Thanks, I will have a look and try implement it. 👍🏻
I also have a use case where I would like to have a variables.css with the css properties and a fonts.css with the font files inlined. In this way I...
@alisamii The php formulas all seem to have removed the libexec modules by default. When installing a php version with the option `--with-apache` a new apache gets installed and linked...
Yes, that sounds awesome! If you want you can close this request, if you have it already on your agenda.
Now with the new options `headerElements` and `contentElements`, you can change the markup like in your example.
Same problem with updating from 6 to 7 with Stencil 2.22.2 (using Vite to bundle storybook).
@katiedeangelis Likely same issue as here