Debabrata Acharya

Results 12 comments of Debabrata Acharya

@codediodeio could you kindly look into this? It would really help us using this library. Thanks a ton!

Why wasn't this merged? Any issue that needs to be resolved before this can be merged?

Hello, any update on this issue yet?

Hello, You are probably indicating issue #7 as reference. You can follow [this comment]( to further understand how to use your own dataset with the library. Regarding your query, I...

Hello @SS-LAN , Sorry for being a bit late to reply regarding your problem, was caught up with my own work. Anyway, From what I understand regarding your problem, you...

@sgirardin Yes, the last child population is taken as the Pareto Front here. Since each population is a collection of probable solution set, being optimized at each generation, it is...

I could not understand your query. Kindly elaborate your problem statement with more details. Are you having any problem while using this package?

@akhsa234 a few questions: 1. What exactly is `x` and `y`? What do they represent in your problem? 2. Is each chromosome considered to be a solution to a different...

Hello @sgirardin it’s great that you found this repository useful. So, yes, by default you could just implement you own method to calculate the fitness of every chromosome by changing...

Hello @sgirardin I've pushed an update to the repository which brings major changes to it. I've converted into a fully working package with much more flexibility and customisability in terms...