
Results 8 issues of omyhub

Version: 1.0.181 Platform: Windows x64 10.0.19041 Plugins: trzsz Frontend: xterm ![image](

history command in not the same as the comman history ? it recored the result of command , is it a bug ? ![image](

![image]( how to pretend user agent(proxy-agent: gost/2.11.2) to other (nginx, httpd,etc)


ZMODEM Session started ------------------------ Received Error PROTOCOL: Only thing after ZFIN should be “OO” (79,79), not: 91,114,111,111,116,64,111,112,115,48,45,106,117,109,112,57,49,45,118,45,50,52,50,32,46,115,115,104,93,35,32 version: 1.0.172

it don't run with py36 , i copy it and fix it blow [tickeys-linux-py36](

OS: Linux uos20 5.4.50-amd64-desktop #3000 SMP Fri Dec 18 18:10:42 CST 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux python: Python 2.7.16 sudo tickeys [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/root/.tickeys/tickeys_GUI_window_id' System checking... System checking success....