James McDuffie
James McDuffie
Here are some links I had laying around or found just now. I haven't vetted them yet and most are more geared towards college text books. Search Sites: - [Textbook...
I went through all my links and the link you have in the OP. My impression is as follows: - Not all free books have a liberal license. May are...
Now that I think of it, Jenn Greenway who gave the [Your Baby Can Hack](http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale11x/presentations/your-baby-can-hack) talk at SCALE 11x seems very interested in early learning. She might be a contact...
@paperdigits Do you have an experience with how durable they are? Meaning can they get knocked around, and have you had any failures? You could go ahead and try out...
As long as all the UI strings are in the templates then it is just a matter of using the Jinja2 template i18n support: Wrap translatable statements in {% trans...
We can detect the language by looking at the "Accept-Language" HTTP header sent by the browser. This should also be able to be overridden by a cookie set by the...
Which content from there is extractable? Much of the content seems to be hosted on partner websites.
Is it possible to render part of it quickly at a low resolution for a quick QC examination before committing to the final render?
Also the small data set should be similarly reorganized.
How about using the software that powers Debian and Ubuntu's package sites: - http://packages.debian.org/about/ - http://packages.ubuntu.com/about/ Although it seems a bit heavy weight for a low power device. It uses...