Omid Golparvar

Results 4 issues of Omid Golparvar

We use Protobuf in our project and some of declared classes have same name with `Foundation` classes - for example `Locale`. Whenever R.swift build script had executed, I should modify...

I used this library in a project, and I realized that viewControllers that presented by Jelly, will NOT deinitialized! I just added this, to Example project of the library: ```swift...

Consider this codes: ```swift class AViewController { ... func presentB() { let controller = BViewController() let sheetController = SheetViewController( controller: controller, sizes: [.fixed(500)] ) sheetController.didDismiss = { sheetController in print(#function,...

I have build error for this publishers: ``` /// Combine wrapper for `scrollViewWillBeginZooming(_:with:)` var willBeginZoomingPublisher: AnyPublisher { let selector = #selector(UIScrollViewDelegate.scrollViewWillBeginZooming(_:with:)) return delegateProxy.interceptSelectorPublisher(selector) .map { $0[1] as! UIView? } //...
