What dedicated server are you running? SteamCMD/Linux? Any flags when you run your server? Did you check that the name of the server is correct in "DedicatedServerName=" within GameUserSettings.ini?
You run scripts someone suggested you use without reading the code first? While I do partly agree with you that it is kind of misleading, by looking at the terminal...
You wrote your path wrong. You need quotes if you use spaces or some symbols in your path afaik. Either type it in with no quotes, or type quotes in...
Sounds like a misconfigured PalWorldSettings.ini
`python D:\uesave\uesave.exe D:\uesave\XXXXXX5F4472575B784671B1A41DA32B XXXXC527000000000000000000000000 XXXX9CD8000000000000000000000000 ` XXXXXX5F4472575B784671B1A41DA32B = savegame folder XXXXC527000000000000000000000000 = new save XXXX9CD8000000000000000000000000 = old save