@Cartucho Thanks for your quick reply. my class_list is “sheep”, “boat” , “horse” but in result plot, there are 20 classes. I want to draw a plot with my own...
@Cartucho I solved this problem thanks. but the results from your code are quite different from other mAP codes.(marvis pytorch yolov2 and alexeyAB yolov2) There was too much mAP gap,...
@Cartucho Actually, I don`t know exactly how to calculate mAP. AlexeyAB yolo codes are quite realiable because many people have used this and no mentioned problem. I`m just wondering why...
@Cartucho Sorry to border you :) In default settings, difficult samples in PASCAL are involved to get mAP or ignored?
@Cartucho I tested on mAP from here ([]) mAP code is same with AlexeyAB`s. Can you check the differences compared your codes?
@ayooshkathuria ``` TypeError: add_ received an invalid combination of arguments - got (torch.cuda.FloatTensor), but expected one of: * (float value) didn't match because some of the arguments have invalid types:...
@tengerye @CuthbertCai Hi, I plot my results (Target Acc:0.78, Domain Acc: 0.54 on 100 epoch) but distributions are not mixed. you guys have no issue about this ?
@CuthbertCai Thanks for your quick reponse. original version means caffe version of this paper ? I found DANN implemented with [tensorflow. [] In this repo, they draw distributions looks like...
@tengerye Hi, you mean that this repo works well include t-sne ? I checked t-sne codes compared to tensorfow repo. but I haven't find differences. I will test with bigger...
@tengerye @CuthbertCai I have some questions about code. >What is this code ? `input1, label1 = input1[0:size, :, :, :], label1[0:size]` > In test code, there are 2 for loop....