Results 3 comments of Omar HADDAD

My configuration is as follows (for the docker image that does the preprocessing): -Dockerfile : FROM python:3.9-slim-bullseye WORKDIR /nnunet RUN apt-get update RUN pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

@FabianIsensee Yes, I did check the docker image, I tested it and there's no problem, but when I launch this same docker image from wandb I get this error. Concerning...

This is how i run my docker image : docker run -it --gpus all --ipc=host --name nn_mlops_container -e WANDB_PROJECT="Hippocampus_seg" -e WANDB_ENTITY="ip_team" -e WANDB_API_KEY="XXX" -e WANDB_DOCKER="nn_mlops_image:latest" -v "/c/Users/dataset/nnUNet_raw:/nnUNet_raw" -v "/c/Users/dataset/nnUNet_preprocessed:/nnUNet_preprocessed" -v...