Hi, thanks for getting back to me! I've fired up the minimal example for python-opcua and connected using the OPC UA client in SystemLink. It shows the DataType as Double...
I've tried to use the same functions and syntax for both implimentations but i'm still getting the same DataType difference when using the asyncio vs pyton-opcua (DataType i=11 rather than...
More than happy to test with NI SystemLink OPC UA - thanks for looking into this! How do i download the latest changes before they are merged?
How do i use the command ```gh pr checkout 937``` to checkout the new code? Does this need to part of a ```git fetch origin``` statement? Sorry my knowledge of...
Ah found it - if in doubt just read the manual!!! Just waiting for NI to update our license and then will be able to test out! If you want...
Hi, I recieved a new SystemLink licence from NI this morning and tested using the minimal-server. DataType now appears as Double and can be subscribed by the client! Thank you!...
Thanks @schroeder the get_namespace() function returns a value of 2, whereas in the XML this is defined as 1: ``` ``` Unfortunately, substituting the namespace value using your code still...
Hi @schroeder- daft question, when using a tool like UaModeller how do we import multiple XML schema? Do these need to be imported as separate XML files with different URLs...
Hi @schroeder- , Thanks for getting back to me - I have some code for some lab equipment I can send you. It was created using UaModeller - I must...
Hello, I've tried running the modeler but seem to be hiting the same issues as users above. I've checked and the opcua-widget version i'm using is 0.5.10. I've tried uninstalling...