Ondřej Lysoněk
Ondřej Lysoněk
@ouafnico Can you please provide the output of this script? ``` import pyudev ctx = pyudev.Context() for i in ctx.list_devices(subsystem="block"): print('%s %s' % (i, i.sys_name)) ```
Are you running this with the same python version as Tuned uses on Debian?
OK, that's pretty much the same output. What about the output of the previous script? Is there a difference between running it with python 2 and 3? If not, I'm...
I remembered that we've fixed this kind of problem in the past: https://github.com/redhat-performance/tuned/commit/2cc3d747986837d7e That commit is not contained in tuned 2.10, so that could explain why it doesn't work for...
Other than debugging, no. I haven't thought of anything else. Sorry.
I think the way to go here is to fix the profiles themselves to find out which governors are available, and to choose the most appropriate governor for the intended...
Rebased on top of origin/master.
/packit copr-build
The latest changes move all plugins to their own directories, which allows us to create private libraries for plugins. This allows us to much more easily test certain functionality. An...
@yarda This is now in a proof-of-concept state. I'd appreciate your opinion on this.