Okay, I've just confirmed that this problem is from PySide ``` >>> from PySide6.QtWidgets import QActionGroup Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ImportError: cannot import name...
Both classes now load. In desperation I tried lots of things, the last of which was `pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall PySide6` so I guess that did the trick. Now I...
I've rebuilt soqt, quarter and pivy to use QT5 but the situation is now worse :-( ``` >>> from pivy.qt import QtWidgets Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line...
I'm going to rebuild all dependencies with QT6 and try the examples e.g. https://github.com/coin3d/pivy/blob/master/examples/Mentor/02.1.HelloCone.py **Update** ``` >>> import sys >>> >>> from pivy.sogui import * Traceback (most recent call last):...
I too am having a lot of difficulty building pivy. I have already built and installed coin, soqt, quarter and soxt without issues. The CMake options fails because of what...
I hadn't thought about `void add_equality_mconstraint`. Thanks. Problem though is that my `x` is typically high dimensional vector which be expensive to cache as well as lookup. If only I...
Minor question. The signature of the function passed to `add_equality_mconstraint` is void constraintsFunc(unsigned m, double* result, unsigned n, const double* x, double* grad, void* data) Where `m` is the number...