When I run the main.go file, i get this. go run cmd/physarum/main.go cmd/physarum/main.go:8:2: cannot find package "github.com/fogleman/physarum/pkg/physarum" in any of: /usr/lib/go-1.10/src/github.com/fogleman/physarum/pkg/physarum (from $GOROOT) /home/username/go/src/github.com/fogleman/physarum/pkg/physarum (from $GOPATH) also tryd to change...
Thx :) go said it didnt know the mod command so after a quick search i needed to update go cause i had 1.10 ---> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60410729/unknown-subcommand-mod-error-while-running-go-mod-init after then H4sh3's instructions...