Olli Jaakkola
Olli Jaakkola
When you delete items by removing then from SortableGrid's children, make sure you're not assigning them their **key**-value from map-function index, because it causes the last item to disappear instead...
Well, you need to assign them some key. Maybe increment a number each for each item and use that as a key?
[This library](https://github.com/react-native-component/react-native-smart-sortable-sudoku-grid) can maybe offer what you're looking for?
@sairam356 just pass wiziple's solution as ```filterTreeNode```-attribute: ``` const treeSelectFilterTreeNode = (input, treeNode) => { const compare1 = treeNode.props.title.toLowerCase(); const compare2 = input.toLowerCase(); return compare1.indexOf(compare2) >= 0; }; ... ```...