Ollie Treend

Results 11 issues of Ollie Treend

It would be great if we could have a `wpackagist-mu-plugin` package namespace to serve WordPress plugins with a `type` of `wordpress-muplugin` instead of the usual `wordpress-plugin`. I understand that [the...


Hi, **Intro** I am currently building a search tool which will plot search results on a map, similar to your typical store locator. The user chooses a location (lat/lon) to...

in progress

When GitHub Actions deploys to GitHub Pages, it uses conditional logic to decide which commit message to use. According to the config file, it looks like the commit message should...

This spike follows the 'wrapper' pattern established by [Document::PaginatedHistory] and [Document::PaginatedHistory]. This approach allows us to encapsulate a regular ActiveRecord query object, while providing custom objects as the result set...

**Describe the bug** When a single select input is focussed and the 'space' bar is pressed, the page scrolls down. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to...


The bold letter A (and by extension, the bold+italic letter A) looks malformed. Is it supposed to have that 'upside down triangle' gap at the top of the letter?

Hi, I'm planning to use `yas3fs` inside a docker container, which will be run on top of an [ECS](https://aws.amazon.com/ecs/) cluster. I can see from the README that `yas3fs` supports [IAM...

Hi, I've discovered a specific set of conditions under which the entire `/tmp` directory is deleted when yas3fs cleans its cache. This causes all sorts of problems in Linux since...

Hi, How can I get `yas3fs` to use the 'public-read' canned ACL when creating new objects? I would like all files created by `yas3fs` to be publicly accessible. I believe...

browsehappy.com is inaccessible on Windows XP machines. This is because the HTTPS server is configured to only support the TLS 1.2 protocol, which is not compatible with Windows XP. Windows...