Ollie Palmer
Ollie Palmer
Hi, I have just had the same issue. The `audiogrep.py` installed via pip is 12kb, whereas the one on GitHub is 15kb. If you can find audiogrep.py wherever pip installed...
I had similar issues, until I changed the build command to ```npx @11ty/eleventy```. That seemed to fix it - both locally and on Netlify for me (you can change the...
Hey @savetz, I think this is great! Hope you don't mind, I've made it into a very quick [website](https://53100babynames.netlify.app) / [source](https://codepen.io/olliepalmer/pen/oNeMzwX), just so I could see the names in their...
I really like this, it made me laugh. Especially the mediocre 'It was ok I guess' or 'pretty boring' ending so many of the stories have.
Completed! A little late, admittedly. I created a directory of companies, which can be found [here](https://directory.olliepalmer.com). The code (iPython, Tracery, plus Jekyll website generator) can all be found [here](https://github.com/olliepalmer/nanogenmo2019). There's...
Thanks! I really enjoyed making it. There's loads more I want to do to make it better and add more complex elements, but alas, for a later date. NaNoGenMo was...
_A few days later online...._ This is great! So many twists. I hope a network picks this series up and makes every single episode.