
Results 240 issues of olivroy

Just a little proof of concept. Addresses https://github.com/r-lib/usethis/pull/1956#discussion_r1508347797 With the usage of cli, the error messages have become a little bit more verbose. However, I believe that usethis error messages...

Add website link to DESCRIPTION

```r rnaturalearth::ne_states("India") #> The `returnclass` argument of `ne_download()` sp as of rnaturalearth 1.0.0. #> ℹ Please use `sf` objects with {rnaturalearth}, support for Spatial objects (sp) #> will be removed...

at the bottom of https://feaz-book.com/numeric-maxabs#python-examples ![image](https://github.com/EmilHvitfeldt/feature-engineering-az/assets/52606734/18ef8494-d654-43e8-a555-9eaed27a2c88) I wonder if the latest quarto 1.4.550 (or pre-release 1.5 addresses this) I have seen it in the Quarto repo, but I wonder if...


Show instructions on how to send a commit separately. If already a large PR, some commits can be moved to another branch and open a new PR for those? Do...

## Description SImply default to label attribute if it exists when displaying tabyl. It enables this by default, which is a breaking change? But I wouldn't see why you would...

For example, make this https://vincentarelbundock.github.io/tinytable/news/ a valid url. https://vincentarelbundock.github.io/tinytable/NEWS works as expected. I have a routine to check news on online doc. the first link works for pkgdown sites. I...

usethis no longer recommends saving a GITHUB_PAT to .Renviron https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/git-credentials.html?q=github_pa#put-your-pat-into-the-local-git-credential-store Could this section be updated to reflect latest information? I am still struggling to understand whether an option is the...

Hi, this PR is a try to use GH actions for the pkg dev. If this works as expected, we can delete the `docs` directory, .travis.yml, appveyor.yml This has the...

fix #2449 If the pkgdown config is not okay, then it errors, should it just warn? If we decide to keep on going, we could use ```r tryCatch( pkgdown::check_pkgdown(), error...