Olivier Meslin
Olivier Meslin
Bonjour, Je répercute ici une suggestion de Virginie Gamblin. Le _bucket_ `donnees-insee` est accessible que depuis la page d'accueil du SSP Cloud, mais quand on clique sur `mes fichiers`, on...
Hi, Thanks for this awesome list of papers, this is very convenient! I just noticed that the list does not include Friedman 2001, "Greedy function approximation: a gradient boosting machine"....
Closes #3
Hi, I'm looking for the GEOS equivalent of `sf::st_transform`, because I want to change the CRS of a GEOS geometry in the package (from 2154 to 4326). I looked carefully...
On pourrait ajouter une fiche sur "comment faire des tableaux de statistiques descriptives avec `R`". Voici en vrac, et sans garantie de qualité, les _packages_ que j'ai repérés qui permettent...
**TL;DR: [PR 35087](https://github.com/apache/arrow/pull/35087) introduced an explicit fail in large joins with Acero when key data is larger than 4GB (solving the problem reported by [issue 34474](https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/34474)). However, I think (but...
__TL;DR: I'd like to know what exactly `max_cat_threshold` controls and I may suggest marginal improvements of the documentation.__ ---- I'm quite interested in XGBoost's support for categorical features. I dived...