Olivia Angelin-Bonnet

Results 3 comments of Olivia Angelin-Bonnet

Hi, Here is what I did to parallelise my calls to Julia. I used the package `parallel`. 1. Get the number of cores you want to use: ```R no_cores =...

Hi, Here are two suggestions of change for the new Julia syntax: - `fieldnames(v)` is deprecated, use `fieldnames(typeof(v))` instead. (XRJulia.jl, line 238) - `convert(::Type{Array}, dfr::DataFrameRow)` is deprecated, use `permutedims(Vector(dfr))` instead....

From `sessionInfo()` I have the version `XRJulia_0.7.9`. I used the Github version rather than the CRAN version to avoid the problem caused by RJulia() when you specify the port ID...