Hi When trying to run a project with ReorderableInspector added, I get the following error; Assets\ReorderableInspector\Editor\ReorderableArrayInspector.cs(185,21): error CS0619: 'EventType.dragUpdated' is obsolete: 'Use DragUpdated instead (UnityUpgradable) -> DragUpdated' Unity 2019.2.13.f1 Olly
Hi all I'm using the following to load my save from PlayerPrefs in Unity. ` story = new Story(inkJSONAsset.text); var savedState = PlayerPrefs.GetString("inkSaveState"); story.state.LoadJson(savedState); RefreshView();` When I do this, it...
I think there's a feature request for a settings option with various general options, but I'd like to set the colours. I'm not the youngest of chickens, and the comment...
Hi I'd like to be able to pop out the test pane on the right side of the main app window. I write on a vertical screen (rather than horizontal)...
Hi all I'd love to see some basic fundamentals such as being able to search for strings and replace them en mass, as well as being able to Save As,...
Hi I'd like to request a feature. Now that we have the Knot panel (nice addition btw) I'd like to be able to have both the knot panel and the...
Hi Can I request a new feature? I use the user login toolbox to make sure users are logging in and using things as we move through our implementation of...
[Write your comment/feedback/issue here] [error.txt](https://github.com/tech-quantum/XrmToolBoxPlugins/files/5291238/error.txt) If I "Click Export > Login History" in the User Audit Viewer I get a .Net error and the file doesn't get saved. Error file...
Hi I'd like to request a feature to be added. I'd like to have a pop out list of all the TODO entries in my project across includes. I have...
Hi I've just had cause to rebuild my Library folder and I get these errors from DoTween when I next load the project. Assets\Plugins\Demigiant\DOTween\Modules\DOTweenModuleEPOOutline.cs(68,82): error CS0246: The type or namespace...