Oliver Bähler

Results 35 comments of Oliver Bähler

@shantanualsi Thanks for your efforts. As soon as this is solved I can create a PR for a v3 rewrite of the chart. I am currently building a public helm...

To anyone still interested: We published an unofficial Kafdrop Chart: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/main/kafdrop Please feel free to test it and contribute :)

@jebovic Sadly still no activity.

@jeffspahr Was there any further discussion regarding your propsal? To me this would make perfect sense and fit our current need.

@jeffspahr Should we open a new Issue regarding this matter?

Here some Notes/Discoveries (Important regarding the Review, updated over time) ## Persistence **Multiple Defaults are not allowed by default by the API** Multiple StorageClasses may be marked as default: ```...

@prometherion Do we still want to consider this implementation? if we want to add this we could deliver it with 0.5.0. I can do the PR.

Hi @prometherion, I think it's going to be important to address this problem in a future release. While it may be viable for use to scope a tenant quota to...

Just read about SchedulingGates as new feature gate: https://kubernetes.io/blog/2022/12/26/pod-scheduling-readiness-alpha/ This could be interesting. In the use case the mention this: ``` Scheduling gates allows an external quota manager to address...

@abhinandanbaheti Thanks for reporting this. I will try to reproduce and deliver a fix.