Oli Mortimer

Results 21 comments of Oli Mortimer

Not sure I understand what you mean, sorry. Do you have an example?

I've not used Joomla for many, many years I'm afraid. Please feel free to contribute to the code with a PR if you wish to add this functionality.

@quasiperfect is this to replace an existing function? If you would like to submit a pull request, I can certainly look at merging this in

@khashabawy did the change the getTreeNext() fix your looping issue? If so, could you make the change and raise a pull request please?

Does that mean development isn't continuing on laracart?

@jtpdev that was 3 years ago! I'm guessing it may have been fixed since then.

Oh, the commit worked fine? I thought you meant that the issue didn't exist.

> The folder where you're running this command must be empty. > https://docs.akeneo.com/master/install_pim/docker/installation_docker.html Completely clean install and empty directory

I'm working on a fork that's compatible with Laravel 7 - everything seems to be working at the moment, but please submit a pull request if not; https://github.com/olimortimer/LaravelShoppingcart