Oli Larkin
Oli Larkin
Drag & Drop support is inconsistent across platforms. We should also add an IControl method to anticipate a drop Some of that stuff is WIP on this branch: https://github.com/iPlug2/iPlug2/tree/graphics/improve-drag-drop
After applying the fix in https://github.com/iPlug2/iPlug2/pull/929, and trying to build freetype on Apple Silicon, the lipo command fails since both libfreetype.a files it is trying to join are arm64 architechture....
https://github.com/iPlug2/iPlug2/blob/961d0b426c05a365151edf37188b41eed2df4ec6/IGraphics/IGraphicsPrivate.h#L18 https://github.com/iPlug2/iPlug2/blob/961d0b426c05a365151edf37188b41eed2df4ec6/IGraphics/Controls/ITextEntryControl.cpp#L21
WM_DROPFILES is not supported in all hosts (e.g. FLStudio), there is another API that should be: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/oleidl/nn-oleidl-idroptarget
When dragging a control (e.g. IVKnobControl) with an apple magic mouse, scroll wheel messages are still received which looks janky. This might also be an issue with regular mouse wheel...
We should add feedback prevention to avoid screaming feedback in the App when the default microphone is selected on macOS.
I can never remember IRECT::SubRectXXX(), and now I wonder if they should be IRECT::GetSubRect()... ``` diff --git forkSrcPrefix/IGraphics/IGraphicsStructs.h forkDstPrefix/IGraphics/IGraphicsStructs.h index 777d1da502fceef16fd6f95206d86540c70b6e0f..cbc5280a470d53ea2272295ad57d67a0b8843ba9 100644 --- forkSrcPrefix/IGraphics/IGraphicsStructs.h +++ forkDstPrefix/IGraphics/IGraphicsStructs.h @@ -936,9 +936,9 @@...
would be nice to integrate the class here into IPlugProcessor for optionally FTZing denormals: https://github.com/iPlug2/iPlug2/blob/master/WDL/denormal.h
It seems wrong to redefine it per project, but also not so easy to move to common-win.props. This allows someone to easily compile all projects with clang-cl https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26936261/visual-studio-parsing-behavior-with-custom-property-sheet-to-set-platform-tools
We should be able to initiate external drag and drop, for instance so a plug-in can drag midi files onto the DAW timeline.