Oleksandr Didyk
Oleksandr Didyk
The corresponding DDFun incident -> https://portal.microsofticm.com/imp/v3/incidents/details/326729909/home
After discussion with @premun, decided to exclude app failure (`ExitCode 80`) from the alert as its not an infrastructure issue. PR for the change -> https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/internal/_git/dotnet-helix-service/pullrequest/25729
IcM ticket for the machine already exists -> https://portal.microsofticm.com/imp/v3/incidents/details/334311616/home Also, disabled the machine
Disabled `116` and `078` + created an IcM ticket for them -> https://portal.microsofticm.com/imp/v3/incidents/details/334893393/home Enabled `055` back as the IcM ticket for it was successfully handled
Disabled `022`, added it to already opened IcM
As per @premun 's instructions, I restarted all the machines in the `osx.1200.amd64.iphone.open` queue through a Helix job and re-ran the failing stage in the linked build (https://dev.azure.com/dnceng-public/public/_build/results?buildId=12516&view=results). The stage...
Of course, will do and update the status here. Is there some pipeline I could check if the issue is fixed?
@premun restarted the machines in `1100` and `1015` queues, re-ran the pipeline stage you recommended on `main` -> tests passed
@steveisok No, did not create any IcM for that, just the machines
IcM issue -> https://portal.microsofticm.com/imp/v3/incidents/details/334627306/home