Same issue But flutter webrtc demo p2p wortks with wifi and 4g Magic...)
@ekrut88 Good evening ! did you manage to fix it?
@sopherwang Good evening ! did you manage to fix it?
@Milad-Akarie I have the same thing happen when quickly switching child tabs in the bottom navigation `I/flutter (21852): ----------------FIREBASE CRASHLYTICS---------------- I/flutter (21852): 'package:flutter/src/widgets/navigator.dart': Failed assertion: line 2849 pos 18: '!navigator._debugLocked':...
Same issue
Same problem!
@VivekMakwana24 Try this ` await connector.sendCustomRequest( method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain', params: [ { 'chainId': '0x${provider.chainId.toRadixString(16)}', }, ], );`
> @VivekMakwana24 Yes