Oleg Tkachenko
Oleg Tkachenko
So for example an extender wants to add DiffFiles command, which accepts 2 file paths as an input. How input is provided in host specific (in VS that input can...
I filed a doc bug to improve the documentaiton. ITextViewModelProvider is pretty esoteric extensibility point, it only useful in advanced scenarios, for example to support virtual documents. What are you...
That's a standard scenario (cshtml, aspx, razor files use it) supported through projection: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/extensibility/inside-the-editor?view=vs-2019#projection, I don't think you need ITextViewModelProvider for that
VS "editor" is ITextView control over a single ITextBuffer representing document in a file. In projection case ITextBuffer is actually IProjectionBuffer, created via IProjectionBufferFactoryService.CreateProjectionBuffer and which represents more than one...
Yes, it's supported, that's how cshtml, aspx or razor files work - they project content from 2 files (e.g. aspx and generated cs files containing C# portion of aspx). Where...
And you create text view using [ITextEditorFactoryService](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.visualstudio.text.editor.itexteditorfactoryservice?view=visualstudiosdk-2019).
Sorry, still not entirely sure what are you trying to achieve...
Wow, that's a very old doc comment. I'll update it. All you need is [Export(typeof(ITextViewModelProvider))] and also [ContentType] attribute for your content type
No, the editor's WPF UI layer is not open sourced yet...
thanks for reporting this, @LaraSQP, investigating.