Oleg Lyan
Oleg Lyan
It works with AVR controllers!
Found additional information in https://github.com/onyx-m2/onyx-m2-dbc/blob/main/tesla_model3.dbc
Decoded frames [2.txt](https://github.com/joshwardell/model3dbc/files/9149033/2.txt) ``` Yet to be decoded Time: 38.040100 ID: 0x364 Std Bus: 0 Len: 2 Data Bytes: 0x00 0x82 Time: 38.886200 ID: 0x374 Std Bus: 0 Len: 6...
PeakCAN logs made .trc in .txt format Battery 12V On/Off 5x Pins 6-7 [1.txt](https://github.com/joshwardell/model3dbc/files/9206611/Battery.On.and.Off.5.times.txt) Pins 15-16 [2.txt](https://github.com/joshwardell/model3dbc/files/9206619/bms.batt.off.5.times.txt)
I removed delays and controll my PS4 BT remote robot in this manner if(millis()- TmStmpMtrCtrlOld >10){ M_R->setmotor( _CW, oldR2Value>0? (oldR2Value/3+15):0); M_L->setmotor( _CW, oldL2Value>0? (oldL2Value/3+15):0); TmStmpMtrCtrlOld=millis(); }