Hi, Nick. Let me describe updated logic 1. init negotiator with filter Negotiator({ "ticketClass": "VIP"}); 2. ask for tokens negotiator.negotiate().then((tickets) => { this.sendBackendRequestToRerenderProductsAndDiscounts(tickets) }) 3. If user click "useTicket" then...
I have added sample backend https://bogotabackend.herokuapp.com/ "/" GET will answer with products JSON "/" POST send serialized tickets list and it will answer with updated products POST body: tickets:[{"devconId":"6n","ticketId":"48646n","ticketClass":"0n"}] its...
List of the properties to describe in TokenScript: - TokenName - TokenDescription - TokenWebsiteURL - Token schema (property->type) - attestationOrigin - AttestorPublicKey - tokenOrigin - magicLinkParamsSchema (token, secret, pok ,id,...
I can see config data in the Readme.md in the https://github.com/TokenScript/token-negotiator those data must be syncronized with backend validator, other services who use this token etc. Also webster have to...
@micwallace , @nicktaras do you work on this issue? if no then lets make simple JSON file (as forst draft) in specific location and read it from there. ok? I...
@micwallace , @nicktaras will we still duplicate config? out backend should validate it too, so we need aligned config. With more duplication more chanses make mistake.
> If we are hitting this issue again, and is related to attestation.id as well, then its high time to decide on the config before moving forward @AW-STJ , This...
Can you remove files like "roomTypesTicketClassDataMock2.json" and use POST requests to http://bogotabackend.herokuapp.com/ to receive updated products. it will be more similar to real life situations. to use POST requests -...
@weiwu-zhang , @jot2re I have few comments for the ERCs 1. for ERC5XX0 - better work with string[] , not struct and have option to upload/replace/add every single script or...
@snowwhitedev , did you use optimization, suggested by @jot2re ? current test case by @micwallace use 320K of gas to validate attestation. Its lot enough, we have to try optimize...