Oleg Akbarov

Results 6 comments of Oleg Akbarov

That would be really useful, i've stumbled upon the need of it.

i'm actually WIP with this stuff and came up with this monkey-patch: At first i added an array of label values to options object ``` javascript var OPTIONS = {...

Thanks for reply! Suffix string would not be option for me. I need to display strings without numbers :/ I need a value that works like dropdown: ![sld](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2352181/6820544/6748608c-d2e1-11e4-8755-5dad1c44b0bc.png) I think...

Yeah, this fiddle looks like what i need! So the question is how to attach modelLabels to the top fo pointer?

Hahaha, yeah! I guess i need one more cup of coffee.

Might be related to https://github.com/cljsjs/packages/issues/1418