Oleg Vaskevich

Results 13 issues of Oleg Vaskevich

See #145, https://github.com/whitlockjc/json-refs/commit/16246acb8a38132e4d660d703dbb85a089d64b09#r30780467

This pull request adds a "summaryTemplate" global option that provides a way to add a template and fill it with custom values on a given paper page. For us, we...

Redis throws if `get` is called on a non-string value: ``` redis> HSET mykey field value (integer) 1 redis> GET mykey ERR WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong...

good first issue

### Summary When an API call within `@slack/web-api` fails, the resulting error's stack loses the call context: ``` Error: An API error occurred: account_inactive at Object.platformErrorFromResult (/project/node_modules/@slack/web-api/src/errors.ts:94:5) at WebClient.apiCall (/project/node_modules/@slack/web-api/src/WebClient.ts:188:13)...


Closes #792. Would appreciate a maintainer to verify that this PR works, as I'm not familiar with this package: just trying to fix a deprecation warning a few levels deep...

cla: yes

Please answer these questions before submitting a bug report. ### What version of OpenCensus are you using? Latest (https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-node/blob/master/packages/opencensus-core/package.json has a dependency on CLS) ### What version of Node are...


In a large codebase, `tsconfig-paths` starts to introduce performance issues as many modules need to be loaded. In https://github.com/dividab/tsconfig-paths/issues/72#issuecomment-472659666, @BJChen990 suggested introducing a cache to avoid hitting the filesystem multiple...

When using PM2 on Node v12, I'm seeing the following warnings: ``` DeprecationWarning: Socket.prototype._handle is deprecated ``` This is coming from the `opencensus/@core` package, which uses continuation-local-storage. I've opened an...

Currently when using grpc-node, any gRPC errors get raised with somewhat unhelpful stack traces (see https://github.com/grpc/grpc-node/issues/1250, https://github.com/grpc/grpc-node/issues/1661, https://github.com/grpc/grpc-node/issues/1808 for some examples): ``` Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Stream refused by server at...

package: @grpc/grpc-js

It looks like AWS is now automatically creating a service-linked role for autoscaling, and changing the `role_arn` for `aws_appautoscaling_target` succeeds yet does not actually update to use the new role....