Results 42 issues of Ole Tange

I have a few songs that are several hours long. When playing those Just Player locks for 30-60 seconds before playing. It is as if it goes through the whole...

I love WiFiKeyboard but I cannot find a shortcut to disable it again. I have to navigate to Settings > Languages&Keyboards to disable it there to be able to use...

BitCoin mining shows you can get hardware to do 90 TeraHashes/s (SHA256). It seems PBKDF2 does in the order of 1 MegaHashes of SHA1. This is not the same as...

### Initial Check > If the issue is a request please specify that it is a request in the title (Example: [REQUEST] more features). If this is a question regarding...

If the command requires warm up it will usually be slower before warm up. I propose automatically detecting this: ~~~ runtime = run(job) do last_runtime = runtime runtime = run(job)...


I get this when starting LBRY. ![image]( My LBRY dir is on a NAS, contains 1.5 TB, 40000 blobfiles, 5000 mp4-files, so if LBRY has to stat every single file...

**"Welcome. LBRY takes privacy and choice seriously."** This is the very first message that is shown when LBRY is first installed. Privacy is hard to do right. A single bug...

This config sets the IP-address of the secondary interface in devuan3 (and in most other boxes), but it does not do so in devuan1+2: ~~~ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| ...

`phone` is an sshfs. I did a `grep -r foo .` and got: ~~~ $ catfs phone phone.cache phone.cached thread '' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is... compares OnionShare to Google Drive and Dropbox. One of the really neat things about Google Drive and Dropbox is that you can share a whole subdir with others, and...
