Results 15 issues of Olga Dalton

* carthage install method: [ ] .pkg, [X ] homebrew, [ ] source * `which carthage`: /usr/local/bin/carthage * `carthage version`: 0.31.1 * `xcodebuild -version`: Xcode 10.0 Build version 10A255 *...

help wanted

getAccountsFromDevice interface returns nullable accounts and nullable error. General pattern should be to return empty list unless error is occurred. Make sure that we don't return nil accounts from that...


Pasteboard Security and Privacy Changes in iOS 10 Starting in iOS 10, the Find pasteboard (identified with the UIPasteboardNameFind constant) is unavailable. Persistent named pasteboards are deprecated in iOS 10....


If it's a first call and authority alias discovery is in progress, cancelCurrentWebAuthSession won't cancel the flow.

When using the latest Xcodeproj gem default value for CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF is set to YES. This causes 57 warnings coming from ADAL code.

Minor refactoring: 1. Remove class methods (MSIDWebviewAuthorization can easily be an instance or singleton). 2. Update MSIDWebviewAuthorization response handling so that caller doesn't need to check response class (isKindOfClass)
