**Describe the current behavior** A description of how things are today. The currentl implementation for DocumentDB is on version `2021-05-15` but the published APIs have moved on somewhat since this...
**Describe the current behavior** A description of how things are today. It is currently possible using the `operatorSpec` to store secrets only such as the `AccountEndpoint`, etc. But there is...
Request a feature to add a CRD in ASO to support applying an ARM fragment using a kubernetes resource, this could be similar to how Terraform support this using the...
Can we get the event hubs and namespaces upgraded to the latest version as described here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/templates/microsoft.eventhub/2024-01-01/namespaces?pivots=deployment-language-bicep, the current implementation does not support the ability to set TlsVersion which is...