
Results 9 comments of Ada

It's a bit unclear at the moment @mosesontheweb ~thought currently it looks like its dead.~* I've been corrected! See answer by @josephmancuso below!

@josephmancuso thank you for clarifying and apologies for providing bad info!

He _**really**_ does make a lot of fantastic python tools and frameworks. It's amazing to see what he has managed to accomplish. I view Orator as python's answer to PHP's...

@josephmancuso sure thing, seems like this repo is inactive so need a replacement for my orm anyway 😄 Anywhere you can direct me for starters?

Should probably be `yaml.safe_load()` ?

> Common guys. Is it so complicated to apply this only line? > `config = yaml.load(fd, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)` project is frozen atm and is being continued over at masonite orm :)...

Should recheck if this issue still persists or close (stale)