
Results 32 comments of Ola

I think this already possible by checking if `oldValue.length < value.length` in the handling of `onChange` but I will consider adding it if it is wanted.

Thank you you @oscar-g, this is a really well thought out suggestion, let me fist just update the component to work with React 15.0 and we can think of a...

I've made a first draft of suggestions now on branch [`autocomplete`](https://github.com/olahol/react-tagsinput/tree/autocomplete). Can you check it out @oscar-g? There is an example in `example/suggest.html`.

Hello @Guibod, instead of building my own auto suggest feature I'm now looking into making the component compatible with https://github.com/moroshko/react-autosuggest , some seem to already have made it work https://github.com/moroshko/react-autosuggest/issues/167

Thanks @Zhouzi for posting your findings, I am going to take some time to look into a good solution for auto suggestion because at the moment it's not great, maybe...

I'm trying to figure out how to fix this as the name is add automatically by babel.

I'm going to use Flow with `react-tagsinput` in the future, will provide typescript defs then.

Not in version 3, but I will keep it in mind when I design version 4.

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner @dbkaplun, I will look into bootstrap integration.

Fixed now the examples should work with Echo v4.