
Results 6 comments of olafur-palsson

I'm finding that the most common workaround to this is to somehow use `ViewEncapsulation.None` in a wrapper component and put all the `::ng-deep` styles in there. We could not make...

My error was because the `plugins` folder was not writable, using `sudo` fixed it.

For any that reach here because of this error you can download the package here and patch it in youself. https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB976932

I listen to history podcasts, oldest to newest is very important for me.

I found a workaround that uses id naming to go around the limitations. It's not performant though. The condition is essentially "If there is another row on the same page...

The fix is pretty easy to do, under `literal-keywords` in the javascript-cson and change the lines to this below. :) 'match': '\\b(boolean|byte|char|class|const|double|enum|float|function|int|interface|let|long|short|var|void)\\b' 'match': '\\b(export|extends|final|implements|native|private|protected|public|static|synchronized|throws|transient|volatile)\\b'