Volker Machon
Volker Machon
> you should change your svc name length. Ähhhm, I could do so but still this is not obvious. To what length should I shorten it? I mean, if you...
I am not sure if we are on the same page. In https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/helm-chart-3.34.0/charts/ingress-nginx/templates/_helpers.tpl#L38 is the function `ingress-nginx.controller.fullname` with the content: ``` {{- printf "%s-%s" (include "ingress-nginx.fullname" .) .Values.controller.name | trunc...
@Debanitrkl you wrote that you're going to have a look. Did you have time to do so already?
@tao12345666333 @Debanitrkl sorry for bothering you again. Any updates here? Have been able to check what I posted [here](https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/7442#issuecomment-893403258)?
@tao12345666333 @Debanitrkl did you have time to take another look?
Holy Moly. Finally someone understood the problem.
Moin, looks like @iwex and I worked on the same thing at the same time. I hope this is not an issue. :)