Olaf Dimigen

Results 15 issues of Olaf Dimigen

Function crashes with EEG datasets that happen to have artifacts in the wrong place. Here's a minimal test example to produce the bug: `% [winRej2 chanRej2 ] = joinclosesegments(winRej, chanrej,...

Received the following bug report: When we try to synchronize data in eeglab with eye-eeg, we found that messages could not be recognized from *.asc file. After lots of tests,...

As alternative to Engbert & Kliegl (2003). Available in MATLAB should be straightforward to integrate.


For users using the EEGLAB variant of zapline-plus (GUI or standalone), it might be worthwhile to have a 'channel' input in order not to apply the function to external channels...

Would be great if the option to call this function on certain channels only, e.g.... `EEG = pop_eegfiltnew(EEG, 'locutoff',0.5,'plotfreqz',1,'channels', {'Oz'});` ...would be documented among the optional iputs in the function...

Thanks to user **Maria** for this bug report! I came across the following issues when using the eye-eeg plugin for eeglab. In eye-eeg-0.99\synchronize.m Line 247 Should be `new_ix = zeros(size(ET.event,...

Exported epoched data from BV-Analyzer and would like to read them in with pop_loadbv. But exported data is in int 32-bit format, which is not supported by pop_loadbv. ``` [Binary...

as part of creating the design matrix with `uf_designmat`, unfold checks the rank of the design matrix and gives out a warning if the rank is smaller than the number...

`uf_designmat` looks for 'eventstypes' but using `strcmpi()`, which ignores case. Thus, when an event is specified with a wrong case, e.g. ` cfgDesign.eventtypes = {'sTiMuLuSoNsEt'} % should be 'stimulusOnset' `...

Pulling unfold still include the buggy EEGVIS toolbox version, which has, e.g., the "MinorTicks" incompatibility issue.