**What are you trying to do?** _A description of what you want to happen._ Currently, the only Multipass driver on M1/M2 Macs is QEMU, which is great, but means GUI...
## Purpose `pkgbase` usage is actually for multiple packages with the same source script, not for singular packages with multiple source entries in the same script. (see: https://archlinux.org/pacman/PKGBUILD.5.html#_package_splitting) This needs...
### Types -deb ### URL https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-levenshtein/0.12.2-2build3 ### Building guide lmao ### Additional context we need it for ulauncher now, ill upload it some point soon, this is just a reminder...
should have a pacstall-programs merge that adds `pacdeps=("nu-tongues-bin")` at same time this is merged as well
After much discussion with Elsie, I am now convinced rhinu-pkg is not only fully feasible, but also the way forward. Pacstall-qa introduced nushell being a hard dependency of rhino Linux,...
## Purpose if two packages are pacdeps of each other, they will infinitely attempt to install each other, never installing anything. ## Approach create `/tmp/pacstall-pacparent-$PACKAGE`, and break the loop by...
this script is damn slow don't merge yet required for https://github.com/pacstall/pacstall/pull/1153's full pkgbase usage to be useful --- `.SRCINFO` generation is now required to be done *before* `packagelist` generation. Both...
because of how `pkgbase` splitting is currently written, each `pkgname` is downloading all of the sources, resulting in 65x831MB downloads. We have to fix this. This will probably be blocked...
Required for https://github.com/rhino-linux/rhino-setup/pull/68